Known for his exceptional diligence and his detail-oriented approach to every aspect of his varied professional responsibilities, John Pryor has developed quite a reputation for consistently exceeding even the loftiest of the expectations that have been thrust upon him throughout his career. In fact, his accomplishments are so vast and so extensive that when some people hear the name John Pryor, rugby is the subject that comes immediately to mind. Even so, many others readily associate his name with any number of additional subjects that include strength training, occupational health and wellness, exercise physiology, nutrition and injury prevention.
Pryor currently serves in critical leadership positions with two different organizations, where he draws on his experience in international sporting competition along with his extensive academic and research background. As the strength and conditioning coordinator for the Japan Rugby Football Union, Pryor has spent the past four years preparing the national team members for the rigorous demands of World Cup play, where the club has already enjoyed immense success and, with its upset victory over South Africa in the 2015 World Cup, is responsible for one of the great underdog stories in the history of international rugby.
In addition to overseeing the strength and conditioning program with the Japan Rugby Football Union, Pryor is also the director of JointAction Group, a company that seeks to improve occupational health and wellness across all industries through the use of education as well as preventive health strategies. Drawing on his vast expertise in this particular subject, Pryor has worked diligently to continually develop new, technology-based health solutions along with educational material aimed at achieving a broader understanding of the kinds of activities that are beneficial to long-term health and wellness.
A graduate of Southern Cross University, Pryor earned a master’s degree in biomechanics and has since dedicated the overwhelming majority of his professional career to enriching others with his knowledge and insight across a broad range of subjects. Before joining the Japan Rugby Football Union and also before accepting his current role with JointAction, Pryor served as a consultant and strength and conditioning coach for the Australian Rugby Union, spending three years with the national team and applying his unique expertise in the development of the club’s fitness program